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Hi everybody,I am using a platform that is based on STM32. The developers of this platform have provided to me the firmware image as an encrypted .bin file. When I flash it via USB everything is fine.Then I change their code and recompile everything ...
Hi guys,I'm stuck in the following issue. In my STM32 project I'm using FreeRTOS which I have enabled using CubeMX. In my project tree I have the following files:At the same time I have included the following paths:When I check the file with the erro...
Hi, I am using STM32CubeIDE to program an MCU in the L5 series. When I'm building in Debug mode build is ok. When I try the same in Release mode I get the error "fatal error: filename.h: No such file or directory".I have exactly the same include path...
Hello,I am working on a large project on a custom board based on STM32 L5 series. I've already set up, implemented, and tested my code using STM32CubeIDE. Now, I'm trying to integrate the project into SBSFU. For that reason, I am using the SBSFU exam...
I am using MX25 NOR flash memory 256Mbit ( and I am mounting a littleFS file system on it. The memory ...