User Activity

Dears, I have issues with setting RTC shift register.I have setup RTC with AsynchPrediv = 127 & SynchPrediv = 255 and is working normally.I tried to periodically setting RTC->SHIFTR with value 100 each 5 secs. Then wait for the shift operation to com...
I have STM32CubeMX Version 6.10, STM32CubeIDE Version: 1.14.1with installed BSP STM32Cube_FW_MP13_V1.0.0When I create new bare project starting from evalboard STM32MP135F-DK as bare metal projectthen select NETXDUO, THREADX in Middleware and Software...
DearsI would like to create new project from STM32Cube_FW_MP13_V1.0.0 - based on template "BSP_BasicTemplates"I verified Properties for this project under "Paths and Symbols" - Includes, Libraries, Source ... all looks normal as another project from ...
DearsI can only start this example in Debug mode, the BLUE led start blinking... So it works OK.But If I try to use RUN command (using icon, or right mouse click on project file) than it seems not work (RED leds blinks only ONE and is OFF, Blue LED i...
Hello I just tried tu run Nx_Iperf_A7 demoAs in readme I fellow-up all steps1) DDR_Init_A7 done (blue LED blinks)2) Nx_Iperf_A7 demo - compiled, and stared debug... and running codeIn terminal I got only "Nx Iperf application started.." but no info a...