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I have an issue here with the IDE. i have few projects compressed in .rar that I am using since the start of the year and everything worked well until this week. When i try to import one of these projects (any project) to my IDE, it shows me this win...
Hello,I am using ESP32-wroom-UE as master and a SPI connection with stm32h743zit6 as Slave. I am using DMA for communication between micros.I am using those microcontrollers on a custom board, done by me. I used the first prototype with SPI4 and it w...
Hi, I am using a stm32h743zi to stablish a connection with a ESP32 via SPI. I was using SPI4 at the beginning with one board that i made using these pins:66 PE13MISO67 PE14MOSI65 PE12SCK68 PE15INT64 PE11boot cs NSSUsing the pins above my program was ...
Hi!As i know, there are differents modes of spi: Single(or standard), dual and quad SPI. On stm32cubeIDE/CubeMX i can see there are different selections: SPI and Quad-SPI. But i was wondering how can i differenciate between standard and dual SPI. I h...
Hello!I am trying to use DTCMRAM on my stm32h743zi micro.When i use an array located from 0x20001760 to 0x200017d4 there are some positions that do not update, it stays in 0 or "inf" value, but when i use other array located in different location, it...