User Activity

Hi everyone!I'm using a NucleoWB55 and the LPUART protocole to communicate with a SIMCOM module. I'm able to send via the LPUART the AT commands that I want and to receive it's answers. I'm now trying to print on my terminal the content of my web pag...
Hi everyone !I'm really new to STM32 and everything that goes around... I want to communicate with a SIMCOM A7670E with my NucleoWB55RG and UART1. I'm using PB6 and PB7 for USART1_TX and USART1_RX. But these pins (I kept the jumpers) are also connect...
Hi everyone!I'm using a NucleoWB55 and trying to use UART to print a message on a tera term terminal. When I let the default pins (PB7, PB6) for USART1_RX and USART1_TX I'm able to transmit and print a message correctly with the HAL_UART_Transmit_IT ...
Hi everyone!I use RTC with STM32CubeIDE for my STM32. Just a question: is it possible to set the alarm day over several days so that the alarm wakes up every Monday AND Friday?Thank you !  
Hi everyone,I'm trying to add a new file Alarm.c to my project. I added it in the Core>Src folder but I want to use it in a custom_app.c file that is located in another folder (STM32_WPAN>APP) as I use BLE. I included it to this file but when I compi...