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I am trying to implement the OTA feature of the WB55 into my own app. However, the OTA Update is only successful if every packet is exactly 20 Bytes. I tried doing OTA with the BLE Sensor App and that one is much faster, I suppose the App sends somew...
I am trying to load the p2p server example and noticed my Nucleo-WB15CC doesn't do any bluetooth communication. I can run normal user code just fine (LEDs, GPIO etc.) but CPU2 doesn't seem to do anything.When I try to start FUS, I get this:When I try...
I am trying to upgrade my Nucleo board to Wireless firmware stack v1.17.0 from GitHub (Address: 0x08021000), but I always get the Warning:FUS_STATE_ERR_UNKNOWN after upgrading.And when I try to start FUS, I get:Error: FUS_STATE_ERR_UNKNOWN: Unknown e...
I am working with a NUCLEO-WB15CC, and it seems that I can't read or write anymore. When I connect via ST-Link in STM32CubeProgrammer (v2.14.0) I just get Error: Data read failed When I try to read registers, I get the same error.I also can't erase t...
I was able to flash the board successfully many times but it suddenly stopped working when I changed something in the write protection settings. I think it was "WRP1B_END" which is currently 0x0807f80, but I don't remember the default value, maybe so...
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