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Has anyone out there done OTA with the WB1M? Did you write your own OTA bootloader from scratch, modify the WB55 Nucleo example from CubeWB, or some combination of the two? Any tips?I started trying to modify the example but I think the low level stu...
Flash on the STM32WB1M is supposed to be 320K long, as advertised as well as in the ref manual RM0473 and in the Memory Manager in CubeMx. But the default linker script out of CubeMx only gives 110K flash section length. If I try to put an emulated E...
Hi all,Looking to implement FOTA on a custom board which uses the STM32WB55M module. I understand the principles of the FOTA solution and the services/characteristics and have looked over the relevant app note, but I have a couple of questions about ...