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I know this is very weird behavior but it is quite easily reproduceable error. I am running Windows 11 on a laptop.CubeMX version : 6.9.1CubeIDE version : 1.13.1Board I am using is this. Looks like genuine STM32F103C8T6 chip.I could upload USB_DEVICE...
I recently updated CubeIDE from 1.12.0 to 1.12.1 and it requires regenerating code from CubeMX 6.8.1After generating the code I see bunch of errors like below.I tried clean and build the project but no success. Is this known bug for 1.12.1? c:\st\stm...
This is very weird problem as I have never experienced this kind of problem before.The board is hooked up to several NPN type limit sensor and connected PE0, PE1 etc.Every pins are defined as EXTI with Rising/Falling edge trigger and has been working...
I setup SPI using CubeMX and set First Bit as LSB First as described in the datasheet.I thought setting this will handle LSB data by itself however it is not working as expected.Below code only work with _SPI_HARDWARE_LSB defined which means I have t...
I am working on a project to communicate with PN532 nfc reader.The reader work just fine with arduino code using SPI.Below is the library I used to read and write data from PN532 I switched to stm32 board ...