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My setting is a Nucleo F767ZI board with a IKS01A2 shield. I created a FreeRTOS project that periodically queries the temperature sensor, calculates an average of temperature data, and prints the temperature on the UART. It has three threads that wor...
Last year it was in STM32CubeIDE under X-CUBE-MEMS1... now it's no longer there. The only board extensions are IKS01A3, IKS02A1 and IKS4A1. What about IKS01A2?Pietro
I am installing the STM32CubeIDE on a new Apple Silicon laptop, but apparently the packaged version is for Intel CPUs, because upon install the OS requires to install Rosetta. Will it be available in future a version of STM32CubeIDE (and of STLink Se...
I am using STM32CubeIDE v1.12.1 on macOS. I have noticed that, when I import a project generated with STM32Cube.AI Developer Cloud, whenever I open the IOC and make a change to the device configuration that requires to regenerate the code, the projec...
Sorry if this question is basic, but I was not able to find an answer in the documentation. I have a very simple Keras model with one input and one output, for your reference the architecture is:model = tf.keras.Sequential()model.add(tf.keras.layers....
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