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Hi, I'm trying to receive data from UART peripheral to DMA using HAL Library. I'm using STM32F410RB. I tried all the possible configuration as in reference manual - Code part - //#define OFFSET 0x800 //#define DEST_ADDR (SRAM1_BASE + OFFSET) //Trie...
Hi,I tried installing ARM Cmsis 6 Pack with STM32CubeIDE 1.16.1. It is having errors. I'm attaching the screenshot below -Though ARM Cmsis 5 is working fine.!
(originally a reply to Hi @Andrew Neil,For the scanf do we need to make any other change?My read function is-  int _read(int fd, char *ptr, int len)...
Hi,I'm trying retarget printf. My uart_write function is working correctly and i'm able to see character on Teraterm.But when i try to use printf it is not working. i even tried semihosting to execute printf but it fails. i'm attaching the screenshot...
Hi,I have created a project using STM32CubeMX and Keil uVision.The generated CubeMX comes with its own main.c and main function.What I want to do is disable that main.c build in the project and create my main.cpp file,where I can put my main function...
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