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STM32CubeIde Version: 1.17.0 Build: 23558_20241125_2245 (UTC) To show this bug, project “bug31_STMCubeIde” has been generated from a well tested .ioc file. Printf() is re-directed to UART3 enabling messages on serial STLink interface. A “UserCode” di...
 According to manual below, function should SEND out a SOLICIT message.Function returns NX_SUCCESS (0x00) means SOLICIT message successfully sent. Actually code, after some checks, just set nx_dhcpv6_state variable in DHCPv6 to NX_DHCPV6_STATE_SENDIN...
In AZRTOS - NetXDuo ver 6.4, netx-duo-dhcpv6-client library,if NX_DISABLE_ERROR_CHECKING is not defined (i.e. calling first _nxe_dhcpv6_client_create()),function nx_dhcpv6_client_create() should check for valid input parameters and return errors acco...
in file app_netxduo.cfunction static VOID nx_app_thread_entry (ULONG thread_input){ ..../* wait until an IP address is ready */ if(tx_semaphore_get(&DHCPSemaphore, TX_WAIT_FOREVER) != TX_SUCCESS)blocks code executionas in function tx_semaphore_create...
After experiencing more problems in legacy codes, we found that STM changed HAL drivers without any notice. THIS CAN BE BLOCKING. Example :  ((uint32_t)((pFilterConfig->BroadcastFilter == DISABLE) ? 1U : 0U) << 5) | is NOW ((uint32_t)((pFilterConfig-...
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