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Dear ST support team,In STM32CubeMX under the "Project Manager - Advanced Settings" path in the "Generated Function Calls" window user can select to make the generated functions' scope static or external. However, the SystemClock_Config() is always s...
I have a custom build setup in VSCode, where I'm using CMake with Ninja to generate build files while using a GCC 12.3 delivered with STM32CubeIDE and GDB as well. For the hardware part I have a standalone STM32U535 MCU with SWD connection and ST-LIN...
I'm unsure whether this is a software issue or wake-up callback is by default not present for UART on STM32U535 microcontroller. The rest of callbacks seems to be in place. 
Simple question, I'm trying to locate a user manual for STM32U5xx HAL library but can't find it. The official STM32U5 ST page doesn't provide it. And neither does the STM32CubeU5. Does this mean it doesn't exit yet? But if code is there, then it shou...
I'm using HAL UART Receive with DMA (configured using CubeMX). I'm encountering a problem where data via UART, send in chunks, is corrupted if a chunk doesn't fit at the end of buffer perfectly. By chunks I mean a set of byte-sized data that is trans...