2021-05-05 01:08 AM
Hi everyone,
when using the CubeIDE 1.5.0 I encountered unexpected behaviour. I set up the Ethernet peripheral of the STM32H7 in a way that I have 14 Rx and 14 Tx ETH descriptors:
However, after generation the code only specifies 4 descriptors each:
At first, I suspected that these Macros might be overwritten somewhere else in the source code. But the compiled and linked program shows, that my CubeIDE settings were not correctly translated into the binary. Each DESC structure is 24 Bytes in size, so 24B*14=336B should be used in RAM. That's not the case:
Manually overwriting the above shown macros in "stm32h7xx_hal_conf.h" gets the correct amount of bytes.
Are there other settings that I have to take care of or might this be a bug in the generation tool?
Thanks for your help
2021-05-09 11:47 PM
Does no one have a clue?
2021-05-19 02:56 AM
Hello @DWeb_2
I confirm this bug from my side,
I have just reported it and it will be fixed as soon as possible.
Thank you for your constructive contribution.
Best regards,