2022-12-02 2:52 PM
usually I have Nucleo's that I work with, but I also have an older Clone that I purchased a long time ago when the genuine ones were not available.
I noticed that after a firmware-update within STM32CubeIDE 1.10.1 the Serialnumber is "odd" and it would not detect the target, so I wonder if it is a cabeling-issue or if ST has bricked those?
Does anyone know what is going on?
Thanks a lot, Seppel
2022-12-02 3:44 PM
Confusing. ST-LinkV2 stand alone ST brand and vlone? Or STLink built-in ST Nucleo and cloned Nucleo ?
QUESTION: Does ST works with ST ? (What is guaranteed)
2022-12-02 7:47 PM
Well some of the newer offerings don't use STM32.
I migrated to CMSIS-DAP as a more general solution.
2022-12-05 6:51 AM
for the STM32CubeIDE 1.10.1 I can say:
It seems as ST bricks the Clones, but I have no official statment yet, I have asked the suport on this. Not sure why they do it, the V3's are no so cheap, that will make the Clones obolete anyway. Why bother with a slower debugger if you can have the faster one for little more and be sure it works.
However, knowing that these V2 Clones are used by a lot hobbyists, mostly not because they are much cheaper, but because STLinks were mostly sold by B2B shops, it creates a pile of electronics waste. Not really what the planet needs.
Best Regards, Seppel
2022-12-05 12:11 PM
> the Serialnumber is "odd"
What "serial number" is visible in Windows device manager? or lsusb on Linux?
Have you tried the OpenOCD based debugger?
2022-12-06 11:30 AM
Hello @Pavel A. , where do I find that in the Win-Device Manager?
I have an OpenOCD(FTDI2232H) somwhere, but I have actually never used it, so if you could forward a link how to do that on a Windows-machine, that would be very nice.
Thanks a lot, Seppel
2022-12-06 11:37 AM
"older firmware" and "latest firmware" are not very specific. Could give precise version numbers of ST-Link firmware, please?
2022-12-06 11:39 AM
Sure, if you can give me instructions how to, I can give you the exact Versions.
2022-12-06 2:15 PM
> how to do that on a Windows-machine
If you have the old good ST-LINK Utility: Target->Settings will show "serial numbers" of all connected ST-Links.
The instance path should look like
The last part 001D00273137510939383538 is the "serial number".
There should be no & chars after the PID_xxxx\ part
Are the "serial numbers" on your chinese dongles same as CubeIDE/Programmer shows?
2022-12-06 6:49 PM
Using a sw from one vendor on an another vendor hw is by essence untested and no guarantee. Buying medicine online?