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I'm a bit rusty on 8Bit MCU's, more used to STM32 but have to get that STM8 project done.I have a problem get TIM4 running, it might be I don't see the wood for all that trees.It gets compiled using SDCC and the header file is slightly adopted for th...
That's not meant as a question, more as an input/feed-back for ST developers or users of the VL53L0X device.I have a custom PCB with STM32F091 and two VL53L0XSymptom:If I initialize one only of the sensors, that sensor works great and gives good res...
Posted on April 01, 2013 at 11:06 I got a problem map a struct to Backup registers what I do is: /******************************************************************************************/ typedef struct {     uint16_t actPageNo;     uint16_t sollQ...
Posted on March 05, 2013 at 15:57Hi, I have a STM32F051C6 on a PCB that has a socket for a Battery, connected to VBat using a Schottky diode. While development phase I don't fit the battery, just use a jumper wire and connect the Plus of the battery...
Posted on February 26, 2013 at 07:38Hello, I try to make I2C on PF6/7 on the STM32F051C6  (48 Pin device) working. To get what AF to use, Ref man points to the datasheet. But the datasheet is not clear to me, it has a AF Table for PortA and PortB an...
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