2013-03-05 6:57 AM
Hi, I have a STM32F051C6 on a PCB that has a socket for a Battery, connected to VBat using a Schottky diode.
While development phase I don't fit the battery, just use a jumper wire and connect the Plus of the battery socket to same supply as the MCU. All the PCB uses 3.3V Supply, so I have 3V on VBat. My circuits are always connected to power source using an programmable Amp-meter with Amp limitation. At one instant (I was programming some Timers and ISR's) the Circuit tries to suck about 120mA, and the Amp-Meter instantly disconnected the entire circuit (because of preprogrammed 60mA max) I investigated the cause and found that the VBat Pin tries to get about 100mA. When I disconnect that Jumper wire to the battery socket, the entire circuit takes about 21mA and the MCU works normal. I have no idea what caused that change. Somebody please can give me an idea where to look for that. Thanks. #stm32f051-vbat2013-03-05 7:08 AM
Short on pins PC13-PC15?
JW2013-03-05 7:46 AM
Pin 13 is unconnected
14 and 15 is the crystall for RTC but no short between Pins and no short to VCC or GND2013-03-05 7:48 AM
Sorry for the double post, there popped up a http error after first send, so I tried again.
2013-03-05 9:21 AM
Something has to be seriously amiss for the chip to pull 100mA, care to post a (partial) schematic of what you're doing with it?
Analogue supply connected?2013-03-05 10:35 AM
If you have a pin connected/shorted to Vdd or gnd and set the other way, you can really suck power.
what is the consumption in reset? Erik2013-03-05 1:38 PM
Analogue supply connected?
Yes, VDDA to VCC, VSSA to GND, (I don't use the ADC). I have de-soldered the STM from the PCB and powered up the PCB to be sure there is no error or short on another place on the PCB. Without STM the board pulls 9mA. I have all GPIO's in use, and all of them work well and do what they are programmed to do. As long as I keep the Power off on the Battery Socket, the entire circuit pulls 20mA to 29mA. My conclusion is, there is something on that RTC circuit where the VBat is connected to.2013-03-05 2:20 PM
2013-03-05 11:13 PM
Short between the battery holder's contact and some of the signals?
Improperly placed jumper wire? JW