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Install STM8CubeMX Issues


Getting stuck installing STM8CubeMX on Ubuntu 23.10.

Downloaded from here: 

From the manual found here: :


[to install]On Linux:
a. Make sure you have access rights to the target installation directory. You can run the installation as root
(or sudo) to install STM8CubeMX in shared directories.
b. Double-click (or launch from the console window) on the SetupSTM8CubeMX-VERSION.linux file.


Double clicking on the file has no effect. Running from terminal doesn't work either..


jason@Jason-Desktop:~/Downloads/STM8$ dir
Readme.html	SetupSTM8CubeMX-1.5.0.exe  SetupSTM8CubeMX-1.5.0.linux
jason@Jason-Desktop:~/Downloads/STM8$ sudo ./SetupSTM8CubeMX-1.5.0.linux
sudo: unable to execute ./SetupSTM8CubeMX-1.5.0.linux: No such file or directory


The file (SetupSTM8CubeMX-1.5.0.linux) is executable. Java runtime environment is installed. Ideas?

Associate III



using mainly STM32 MCUs, it happens I'm in need to do some STM8 stuff.

being familiar with STM32CubeMX its kind of obvious to use STM8CubeMX as well, but I run into the same issue.

The problem is, the binary file delivered by ST is a 32-bit executable(even if Readme.html states, "Linux: 64-bit (x64) (tested on RedHat, Ubuntu and Fedora)"), so it doesn't run native on 64-bit OS.


file SetupSTM8CubeMX-1.5.0.linux
SetupSTM8CubeMX-1.5.0.linux: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/, for GNU/Linux 2.6.24, BuildID[sha1]=5214e1e4682c839df2c0aab9a9338b649e50e54c, not stripped


I guess ST has to do something about it.