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Stm32f401 Nucleo Board with ISM330DHCX and BlueNRG-M2SA

Associate II


I am trying to send data from the ISM330DHCX sensor to BLE (BlueNRG-M2SA) on the STM32F401 Nucleo board. I have installed the XCUBES_MEMS1 software and successfully tested the LED example via BLE. Now, I want to transmit the ISM330DHCX sensor data through a BLE app. Can anyone guide me.


As stated in this similar thread, the key is: don't try to do everything at once!

You've got the sensor part working, so set that aside for now.

Now concentrate on just the Bluetooth part - without the sensor.

Find documentation & support for the BlueNRG-M2SA here:

Get familiar with the ST-provided examples.


I have checked both the BlueNRG-M2SA and ISM330DHCX, and they are working fine. Now, how can I integrate the two and send data via a BLE app? Please let me know.

The same way that you'd integrate any two functions.

What have you tried?

Where are you stuck?

 I have attached two codes. I have checked them, but I'm not receiving values in the BLE app. Could you let me know if any code modifications are needed?

You said you have BLE working already?

So compare & contrast what's different between your working and non-working code.

Use the debugger; if that doesn't work (as it will affect the real-time performance), Instrument the code so that you can see what's happening in real time.