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Using latest STM32CubeProgrammer v2.15.0Register name and description don't match (rising register, but falling description, and vice versa).Which one is correct? 
I need to write option bytes using HEX file, but so far can't work on STM32C0. It was working well in STM32L0.Any solution?Updating the option bytes using "-ob [OptByte=<value>]" is working, but I prefer using the HEX file. STM32C031STM32CubeProgramm...
Using ST-link V3.MCU: STM32L031First programming was ok. After disconnecting and reconnect with second device, nothing happen.Using same set of hardware, but changed software to ST-LINK Utility.Result: ok. Automatically programmed the second device.
MCU is STM32L0.The file I use to program has option bytes added with read-protection turned ON. :020000041FF8E3 :0C0000000000FFFF7A80857FFF0000FFFA :00000001FFUsing ST-link V3, I'm having this error: (see attached screenshot)  Command line:stm32_prog...
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