Ther seems to be a problem in the STM32CubeIDE versione 1.17.0 when debugging / programming the STM32H730 chip.The Programmer returns: ST-LINK SN : 002800045553500F20393256
Voltage : 3.28V
Hi,The datasheet DS13311 rev. 5 defines the max. SPI clock for the OCTOSPI only for VOS0, what is the max. SPI clock for other Power Scale settings (I'm planing to use VOS1)?best regardsmartin
Hi,I have tried to load a Project (.ioc file) build with CubeIDE 1.15.0 in the newly released CubeIDE1.16.0 (with CubeMX 6.12.0).This give me an error on ADC1:1) I can't select Vbat as ADC source (as working on CubeMX 6.11.0)2) I get a warning about ...
Happy to hear that you have no failure.Yes probably you have to tune the compensation cirquit.I would ad a (ceramic) low ESR capacitor in parallel to C103.Checking against the application note in, Y...
Yes having a short circuit between pin 13/14 and 16 could indicate an over voltage condition.Using the L7987L as "normal" step down converter is less demanding on the DC/DC converter chip (max. voltage on the switch is Vin + Vdiode), while using the ...
Can You post the "real" schematics so I can understand better (if possibile as PDF)?Is the selection of a standard pn Diodo with 1A/1000V (recovery time is 75ns) ok? Do You see some negative spikes on Pin 13,14?Have You tried to using a Schottky Diod...
Your right if you want to use only the CMSIS V2 layer you cannot create a Task on the Idle priority..You could use the Idle Hook, but this is also not CMSIS V2 compatible.Or You could use the CMSIS V1 layer, I don't think that CMSIS V1 has the same l...