2020-06-07 3:14 AM
So i get very frustating about ST a such big company. Why they not stable good IDE and example as like Microchip.I google lot but not to get write answer Kindly help me to learn ST MCU's in easy way as like my experience to learn Microchip.
Thanks and Regards
Munna kumar
2020-07-03 12:03 AM
The 8-bit market is still growing and predicted to grow further:
With falling prices, that means the number of devices shipped is growing even faster.
2020-11-16 12:46 PM
Yes., it is too hard to find st assembly examples.
I am learning with examples and making own by own.
First All, you should find REFERENCE MANUAL for which microcontroller or microprocessor programing you want.
If you want, I can teach what i learned.
Clock Control
(not ADC i am stil trying to do :grinning_face:)
2020-11-16 4:41 PM
I started like you and still learning.
I started with CubeIDE and CubeMX.
I heavily rely on CubeMX for initialization.
But first you must have a board to start with to do some experiments...
You could start with some nucleo that includes an ioc files in their examples like the newer nucleo like Nucleo-G474, that way you can study on how they setup the MCU using CubeMX...
2020-11-29 6:03 PM
free vscode plug-in: Embedded IDE,you can use SDCC to dev stm8 on it, or you can use IAR-For-STM8 (it's not free)
with all due respect, STVD is terrible !