‎2020-11-25 12:04 AM
I'm learning STM32 and wrote an quadspi external loader for my NUCLEO -144 (STM32743ZI) and 1M external flash. I've it tested in the Cube IDE and everything looks OK, I can read and write the external flash. When I use the loader in STM32CudeProgrammer I managed to read , but not erase and write accordingly. Any help will be appreciated. Please find attachments.
‎2020-11-27 06:06 AM
I see you have successfully created an External loader for the H743.
could you send me your project
Thank you
‎2020-11-28 03:49 AM
‎2020-11-28 07:43 AM
Hello, I just looked at your files, and I see nothing.
Tell me, when I try the best I have to do a Connect then a Disconnect then a Connect so that it takes the Init.
Do you have a lead.
Sorry, I'm french.
Possible to share the progress of our projects?
Thank you
‎2020-11-30 03:17 AM
it does not support Init, do you have any idea.
‎2020-12-01 07:21 AM
then me in Init I pass the function in mapped.
And to put in mapped I just check this is a mapped request or other.
In this way I no longer have the problem for erased.
I send you my Loadet_scr as soon as possible.
‎2020-12-02 12:10 AM
Unfortunately I can engage with the project twice a week only, so I do not have any progress for a while.
I'm waiting for your Loader_scr.
Thanks a lot.
‎2020-12-02 01:41 AM
I understand you.
I give you the file.
The only problem I don't understand is that I have to do:
Connect -> Disconnect -> Connect
to read the QuadSPI with STM32Cubeprogrammer.
Do you have the same concern.
thank you
‎2020-12-02 01:57 AM
Thank you.
Yes it is. I also have same issue with STM32Cubeprogrammer. Sometimes it takes 3-4 retries.
‎2020-12-02 03:26 AM
This was a bug reported to ST a long time ago. It doesn't call the right address on the H7 the first time it loads the ELF file.
ie loads at 0x24000000​, maps Init at 0x20000000
Set Verbose 3, post logs of fail/pass
@Nawres GHARBI​