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STM32CubeProgrammer V2.4.0 often cannot be ended

Stefan Thiel
Associate II

During serveral trials, when switching between STLink and UART setup the programm cannot be ended anymore. I can operate it, but I have to kill it with the taskmanager to quit.

AltF4 and so on is not working,.

Win7 x64


Hello @Community member​ 

Please try with the last STM32CubeProgrammer version (2.5.0) then tell me if the problem is solved.

Best regards,


Senior II

I have simmilat effect, in many cases close cube programmer ins't posible.

Hi @Rados?aw​ 

I need more details about scenario to check the issue.

Best regards,


Senior II

After connect (stlink connected to PC but not to target), but only if connection is first thing what cubeprog do. When I switch view to for example to chose external loader, then i can close application.

Hi @Rados?aw​ 

Can you please give us the exact scenario [as simple as possible] to check the problem.

Try to use the last STM32Cubeprogrammer version 2.5.0.

Please tell me which board you tried with.

Best regards,


Senior II

This happens on 2 different PC (work + home):

  1. windows 7 64bit
  2. Cube Progrrammer 2.5 (2.4 behave similar)
  3. latest java version
  4. ST-link V3 or V2-1 connected to PC
  5. ST-link not connected (phisically) to target
  6. when in cubeprog try to connect to target i get correct info that can't connect to target (targer don't exist see p5.) is imposible to close aplication
  7. when after aplication start i do something that is not related to tconnection to target, after connecting i can close aplication.
  8. when connection is succefull (target connected) Cubeprog can be closed.

In much simpler why, after unseccesfull conection to target, but connection must be FIRST thing what user do in cubeprog (by click on connect or by switch to option byte view) closing cubeprog is NOT posible, but still works .


It should be a java problem.

For STM32CubeProgrammer tool, STMicroelectronics recommend to use the Zulu 8 JRE.

Note: Development team is working on bundling the JRE with STM32CubeProgrammer 2.6.0 installer", there will be no more need to install a JRE to use STM32CubeProgrammer. 

Best regards,


Can You share when new version will be released?

The next release will be available 20w47.