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Looking for url or link to St-microelectronics bug tracking system.


Hi all, I have been looking for sometime now but I can not seem to find a link to a bug tracking system where I can report issues that I am facing with STM32CubeProgrammer or Micro-controller.

The community has been helpful but it would be good to have a system where issues can be officially reported and becomes St-microelectronics responsibility to deal with rather than waiting on the generosity of the community member who themselves may be struggling with time for their own projects.


ST does not have a public-facing bug tracker. Best you can do is post a good bug report here, add the "bug-report" tag, hope it gets to the right people, and adjust expectations accordingly. I wouldn't let the success of a project be determined by whether or not a bug gets fixed.

If you feel a post has answered your question, please click "Accept as Solution".

TDK thanks for the reply. When you say add the "bug-report" tag What do you mean?


At the top right of this screen, click the down arrow way to the right of where it says "onio (Community Member) asked a question.". Then select "Edit Topics".

If you feel a post has answered your question, please click "Accept as Solution".

TDK I got it thanks.

Or, simply contact ST directly, through web support form, or through FAE.



Associate III

Came across this response while delving into the fact STM32CubeIDE has a useless option to choose between generating C OR C++ which is patently broken and on further research it would seem has been for several years. Am unfortunately having to muddle around with ST software for the next week or two on a Nucleo board I had laying around in order to move forward on a prototype while I await a substitute board from a DIFFERENT VENDOR - for a company (ST) to just hide and ignore instead of fixing there development software defects is something there potential customers should very much pay attention to!

If someone from ST is reading, please pass it up the chain to your manager and there manager and to there managers manager that you need a public facing bug tracker - oh and also pick an IDE and run with it instead of half-a**ing it on the multitude you seem to 'recommend' without quality control at present.