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Hi, I am using STM32L4S9 with macronix Octa flash(MX25LM51245GXDI00) and I am trying to erase octa flash getting the error "Mass erase operation failed." is their any feedback from ST team We are using STM32CubeProgrammer 2.5.0 Thanks, Ashok

Associate II

Ok, and you're using the DISCO's External Loader, is your OCTOSPI wiring identical to this?

Do you have the DISCO board? Does the loader work properly on that, or fail in the same way?

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Associate II

Yeah we are using same wiring or same schematics in our custom board.

We build custom around 100 no's and we are not facing issue in first time flash and first time erase. issue getting after 1 week or 2 week of use. when we try to flash code again we are seeing this issue.

Attached the schematics for our reference.

We are having disco board. i will check and confirm

Associate II


Any feedback