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Connection issue


"My STM32 is locked out of its program. How can I unlock it? I need to continue learning to use it, even though I've just started."


STMicroelectronics ST-LINK GDB server. Version 7.5.0

Copyright (c) 2023, STMicroelectronics. All rights reserved.


Starting server with the following options:

Persistent Mode : Disabled

Logging Level : 1

Listen Port Number : 31234

Status Refresh Delay : 15s

Verbose Mode : Disabled

SWD Debug : Enabled

InitWhile : Enabled


Target no device found


Error in initializing ST-LINK device.

Reason: No device found on target.


ST Employee

Hello @bbb,

Could you please provide further details : Which part number are you using ? Are you using a custom board ? Can you connect in CubeProgrammer standalone version ?

Thanks in advance,


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They make literally hundreds of "STM32", could you narrow this down a tad, and provide some context to your question.

Try jumpering / pulling BOOT0 HIGH, to VDD, will stop your broken code from running.

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