2021-09-26 11:38 PM
I'm working in an environment with multiple targets and ST-Links.
In previous versions of CubeProgrammer I had no problem to connect to a target with serial number X while other targets that are connected with other ST-Link are connect to the debugger (CubeIDE)
After I start to work with 2.8 I get ST-LINK error (DEV_CONNECT_ERR) when I try to connect to target X while other targets are connected to the debugger.
Only if I stop the debugger on all others ST-Links the programmer connect successfully.
Any idea?
2021-09-28 6:31 AM
Hi @egoltzman,
Are you using CLI or GUI?
If CLI, can you please send me the command line used?
Did you list the connected targets "-l" option then connect with the serial number "-sn" ?
2021-09-28 7:06 AM
Hi Houda,
Thank you for getting back to me.
I'm using the GUI version.
As I usually working with several ST-Links I always scan (with the blue spinner) for the current connected ones and I select the one that I need (I wrote on each one of the ST-Links I have its ID so it is easy for me to identify it)
I noticed that I get the error message only when I have another one in use with CubeIDE and after I disconnect all of them the one that I want to access is available through the programmer with no problems.
This is a new behavior, in the the past versions I did not have this problem.
2021-10-04 9:02 AM
Hi @egoltzman ,
Sorry for the delay.
I'm able to reproduce this issue , I already bring it up to CubeProgrammer development team to debug further.
I will post you updated soon.
2021-10-04 12:48 PM
Thank you Houda for getting back to me and for handling this with the development team!
I'll wait for your update.