2019-10-02 2:23 PM
2019-10-15 12:43 PM
Thanks, I'll try it out tomorrow after uninstalling everything and starting from scratch. I was able to generate .project and .cproject file from the Motor Control Workbench after correcting the tool installation order, but the project that was created had the problems that I mentioned in another thread:
Hopefully those other issues have been fixed as well. Thanks.
2019-10-15 12:45 PM
Sure, let me know if fix works for you too.
2019-10-16 10:58 AM
Marko, I just uninstalled MX, IDE, MCSDK, then I reinstalled MX V5.4.0, IDE V1.1.0, and MCSDK 5.4.1. I ran MX before installing MCSDK. I'm having a problem with the "Generate Under Root" flag. Code generation in CubeMX works, but I don't get the motor control libraries with it. In the MCSDK, there is no user checkbox for "Generate Under Root", and WHEN the .cproject and .project files are being created inside of the STM32Cube folder. They are not always created.
So the Motor Control Workbench is still not generating the proper code for the CubeIDE, at least for me. I'll uninstall it and strip out all of the user space files and try again. Frustrating.
2019-10-16 11:18 AM
I am sorry to hear that MCSDK project still doesn't generate properly.
I don't need it right now, but I plan to use it in the future. Hope they will fix those issues.
2019-10-19 5:22 AM
Hello@nesrine.jlassi (ST Employee)
STM32CubeMX failed to generate a project for STM32Cube IDE because Java Runtime Environment (JRE 32bit) was installed on my PC which was not compatible with either STM32CubeMX or STM32Cube IDE . The latest JRE1.8.0_231 64bit was installed and now STM32CubeMX can generate the project for STM32Cube IDE.
Kind regards,
2019-10-19 5:59 AM
I've not had any problem with the CubeMX code generator, just the MCworkbench. I found in another community thread that the X-Cube-MCSDK release notes specificially say that the MCWorkbench code generator does not work for the CubeIDE, (yet), but that there is a work around, steps are listed in the release notes on page10. I also found that all of my trial and error testing had somehow corrupted my ST workspace, (all of the %USER%/.* folders). The steps described in the release notes worked for me after I created an entirely new user account. I then went back and deleted all of the ST %USER%/.* folders and re-installed everything, and the release notes procedure work in the sense that the software compiled and ran on the target. I believe any JRE 8 version later than 1.8.45 will work. I'm using something like 1.8.97.
2019-10-19 4:25 PM
I finally got CubeMX to generate correct code for CubeIDE that builds without errors!
I noticed 'recommended' firmware package selected was an older one, so tried V1.11.0 as shown and voila !. The problems I was having prior to this was missing files, but this package seemed to resolve CubeIDE build issues.
Now, onward!!
2019-10-20 4:57 AM
Hello @DGome ,
I am glad CubeMX finally works for you. Just wondering, how do you get that screen? I don't have Project generation window in my STM32CubeMX v5.4
2019-10-25 2:34 PM
I have the same problem:
Toolchain Settings: Please install STM32Cube IDE toolchain to open the project.
Or associate the file type of the project with your Toolchain in System Default Program Settings.
But I definitely already have STM32Cube IDE installed, and it works on its own.
When I 'Generate Code' it produces the .mxproject file and the .ioc file, but it does not produce the .project and .cproject files.
Sounds like there's no fix for this?
2019-10-28 2:18 PM