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Where to report bugs?

Associate III

I've reported a STM32CubeMX bug, but I am afraid that there is no one to look at it. Is there any better place to report bugs/issues?

Things I've reported are quite a blocker for me and I really need to know if there is anyone working on it, or I'll have to find a workaround.



So, if I report a bug in a forum, and give all the information I can find like, e.g. logs, still I won't be able to know if ST can or cannot reproduce the issue, and will have a limited way to discuss what is going on. Also I will not know if the bug is beeing addressed or if it has been resolved and when we are going to have a fixed version. A bug tracker that exists but cannot be seen is a bit akward, IMHO.

Try to keep the 1st message short. If you have long logs, code etc., post it in a follow up message. Also you can zip several files and attach that.

If ST people accept the report they will reply so, with the internal number that you can use as reference later.

The Bug-Report link goes to a page that says "Access Denied - You do not have sufficient privileges for this resource or its parent to perform this action."

Why can't I submit a bug report?
I am told: "You do not have sufficient privileges for this resource or its parent to perform this action."Screenshot from 2024-01-30 20-46-10.png

Hi @BPaik and @DanielBDT ,

Unfortunately that is a side effect of the migration to the new Community platform done last year.

Now, if you need to report a limitation regarding STM32CubeMX, you need to submit it in the tool forum board and select the label "Bug-Report":



Sorry for this inconvenience. I will edit my previous post to avoid such confusion.


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Hi Amel, 
I know, here isn't better place to report this bug. 
But I'm not found the Bug_Report. 

So, I'd like report a bug in last version of IDE_Cube_1.15.0. In the moment of run debug with enable SWV, the IDE make flash on uC. So, after that, return error "no found target". So, the uC no work more. 

Thank you!

Pavel A.
Evangelist III

@engmag Which STM32 or board do you have?

Install CubeProgrammer if you have not yet, and try to connect to your device from CubeProgrammer.

Hi @engmag and welcome to the Community

Check ST-link firmware update.

Check that the jumpers are correct on your board.

Try to connect your board with STM32CubeProgrammer.

Otherwise, I would advise to create a new post in the relevant tags "STM32CubeIDE" with more details (which board used, log, screenshot...). This will help increase the visibility of your question to people with the right knowledge.

When your question is answered, please close this topic by clicking "Accept as Solution".