2019-03-13 12:04 PM
I've reported a STM32CubeMX bug, but I am afraid that there is no one to look at it. Is there any better place to report bugs/issues?
Things I've reported are quite a blocker for me and I really need to know if there is anyone working on it, or I'll have to find a workaround.
2019-03-13 1:02 PM
General rule, fix/workaround issues attributable to third-parties, they are not responsible for meeting your deadlines.
2019-03-13 1:25 PM
Agree with Clive - you must never rely on the supplier to fix a problem. I'm still waiting for a Microchip Inc fix after three years !
Do you have a workaround ? If not start looking for one, maybe on here.
2019-03-13 2:34 PM
"General rule, fix/workaround issues attributable to third-parties, they are not responsible for meeting your deadlines."
I don't agree. I don't expect my issue to be fixed on a demand, and I understand that there are many issues, customers, priorities, ... But, I do think at least some kind of response could be expected, for example, just to let me (and others) know that someone will maybe look at it someday, or that it is already in progress or whatever. I think that issue I've reported makes CubeMX kind of useless and I assume this is not in ST interest. In our company, off-field reported bugs are taken very seriously since they could be very frustrating for our customers.
Anyway, I have a workaround, which is, not using CubeMX, at least not as how it is represented.
I am willing to describe a bug, write steps to reproduce, report it , etc., to help ST solve problems as quickly/easy as possible. But that is pretty much all I can do. If there is a better way, let me know.
I like ST, and I know bugs are a normal thing. I just want to know if there is a point reporting an issue and if there is one, where to report it.
2019-03-14 1:22 AM
it depends from the company that you will report your bug to, for example : Texas instruments has a very organized forum in which you find experts from the company to fix issues reported by people but unfortunately not the case concerning ST.
2019-03-14 4:31 AM - edited 2024-02-14 6:03 AM
If you put the relevant topics and describe properly the bug you find, you will have more chance to get an answer.
Some topics already there needs to be cleaned-up to keep only relevant ones that we usually review.
Be ensured that STM32CubeMX and Bug-Report are usually monitored by some ST Employees, even if the answer or the acknowledgment may be delayed.
This doesn't mean we are engaged to answer all requests as this is a Community, not a one2one support channel.
Thanks for your understanding.
Edit: Link to Bug-Report edited to avoid access denied issue.
To give better visibility on the answered topics, please click on Accept as Solution on the reply which solved your issue or answered your question.
2019-03-14 4:33 AM
I think it more depends on who you work for. If you work for one of the companies STM mention in their annual report I'm sure you get instant attention - Apple, HP, Denso, Harman, etc.
But after that it's really down to how much pushing your FAE can do to help you get it fixed, and he/she's obviously going to base that on your annual STM spend.
2019-03-14 6:26 AM
Hello Amel,
i believe that the key of success of any company in embedded world right now is to be close to its customers , I whish that this forum be improved so ST products can be more popular and more used, STM32 has succeeded to be one of best MCU families right now but still there are many concurrents in embedded world that try make their products more popular.
2023-05-03 6:22 AM
Is there a bug tracker where bugs can be reported?
2023-05-03 6:31 AM
ST has a bug tracker, it's not public facing so issues need to be qualified, and added by staff.
Report issues to the forum, add to prior posts on the same issue/topic where possible.
Reports which are clear, comprehensive and readily replicated will likely get more attention than "not working" and "me too" type posts.
Details and context help tighten scope.