2018-11-23 4:26 AM
2018-11-30 7:14 AM
When "Generate Under Root" checkbox is set the code generator doesn't create the TrueSTUDIO folder.
When "Generate Under Root" checkbox is not set it creates a TrueSTUDIO folder and places the project files, the startup file and syscalls.c there.
2018-11-23 5:45 AM
Could you please describe the scenario that you followed in this case and which STM32CubeMX version is used, so that it will be easier to reproduce it.
Kind Regards,
2018-11-23 7:19 AM
I don't remember the scenario - I was busy with something else for a week or so.
CubeMX was 4.27.0 and Atollic was 9.1.0 (and they still are the used versions).
The TrueSTUDIO folder contains "startup_stm32f427xx.s" and folder "cubemx".
The cubemx folder contains folder ".settings" and files ".cproject", ".project", "cubemx.elf.launch" and "STM32F427ZG_FLASH.ld".
Sounds like some kind of backup, but could be something else too.
2018-11-23 8:07 AM
I cannot reproduce your case using STM32CubeMx version 5.0.0
Can you please check if this issue is reproduced with the last STM32CubeMx version 5.0.0
Kind Regards,
2018-11-25 12:04 PM
I'm sorry, but I don't think so. I don't have the time.
It happened at work.
On the other hand, there seems to be no harm of it.
I try to check if it's just a backup when a new (fixed) project was generated on top of the old.
2018-11-26 2:54 AM
Yes, they look like backup - telling by the file dates.
2018-11-30 7:01 AM
Hello @turboscrew
I can not answer your question until I have more details.
Please send me your ioc file so you can tell the difference between 4.27 and 5.0.
Best regards,
2018-11-30 7:14 AM
When "Generate Under Root" checkbox is set the code generator doesn't create the TrueSTUDIO folder.
When "Generate Under Root" checkbox is not set it creates a TrueSTUDIO folder and places the project files, the startup file and syscalls.c there.
2018-11-30 8:00 AM
Hello @After Forever @turboscrew
I tried with cuibeMX 5.0.0 and it works to perfection as you want
try on your part and once you find a problem contact me.
I will always be at your service and your availability at any time
Best regards
2018-11-30 10:50 AM