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We need the register-based low level SPI R/W drive for STM32C031C6


1. CubeMX only allows HAL or LL for SPI and other peripherals. STM32C031C6 itself provides the good SPI clock rate. 

   SPI LL API function only allows two-byte R/W.. The slave STPM34 Meter IC requires 4-Byte SPI R/W. So we have to choose HAL SPI API calls, such as HAL_SPI_TransmitReceive().   

    However HAL introduces a big delay (15 us or more) between two consecutive HAL SPI-API calls. We need 6 SPI-API calls within 128us for our application,  This big delay inserted by HAL makes it impossible. .

2. The only solution is to write the register low level SPI R/W functions. Is it possible to write it under the current CubeMx IDE compiler for STM32C031C6? Could you provide us the solutions?






Thanks. You are correct -

The register based low level SPI drive has been using for many years, it is still the best. HAL and  LL are only good for the initialization. Both, especially HAL, adds the overhead (delay) between two consecutive API calls. It is a show-stop for our timing critical application. It was m first time of using HAL and LL - not a good experience. Thanks again.