2021-10-06 03:58 AM
Hey there,
I've noticed, that if I generate a project for CubeIDE using the latest STM32Cube_FW_G0_V1.5.0 and I set the timebase source as one of the peripheral timers instead of the SysTick, the program will freeze when the HAL_TIM_Base_Start_IT function is called. This problem does not present itself, when I'm generating the project using V1.4.0 using CubeMX for example. My question is whether or not am I missing something, or is there a bug in the new FW package?
Thanks in advance!
2021-10-06 05:07 AM
Please check that TIM6 ISR is defined in stm32g4xx_it.c
In CubeIDE, under System Core => NVIC, make sure that "Generate IRQ Handler" for "Time base: TIM6" is active.
2021-10-06 11:21 AM
There seem to be quite a few questions lately about a TIM timebase causing issues with the latest CubeMX version.