2019-10-25 7:22 AM
I have a recently started new project (STM32F446RETx), which was generated without problems 3 days ago using 5.3.0 and Keil 5.27.0.
Now I thought it would be a good idea to proceed with this project on the latest release of CubeMS V. 5.4.0. Now I can not generate code for the Keil compiler any more :pouting_face:
"The Code is sussessfully generated under ...
but MDK-ARM V5.27project generation have a problem."
I updated Keil to 5.28.0. Same issue.
The path has no special characters. So this won't be the reason.
I tried to generate a plain new project with the same processor, activate 2 pins as output. Same problem.
When trying to open this new project file in Keil, the compiler complains:
Device not found "??device??"
Vendor STMicroelectronics.
I checked the with the Pack Installer :STM32F446RETx was installed and "Up to date".
The various experiences updating Cube releases are a desaster! I am really scared to update Cube to a new release! I always hope that the new release would fix previous problems and issues, but with every update I encounter new problems!
If I would send these kinds of updates to my customers I would be out of business since long!
2019-10-25 7:55 AM
I tried to go back to Version 5.3.0 and then that one did not work any longer either.
After Installation of Cube V. 5.4.0 I had to update to Java 64 Bit version (was requested by Cube), which I installed.
Uninstalling this Java update cured the problem and 5.3.0. is working again now.
May be this information helps to find the solution for the problem.
2019-11-27 11:19 AM
thanks @GS@S !! It worked for me.
I spend 2 weeks trying everything and thanks to you it work !!
2020-08-04 6:38 AM
Today I noticed this problem too (СubeMX version 6.0.0). I was sure that the problem was in Java and was not mistaken. I reinstalled Java several times using the installer downloaded from the Java.com website but did not help. Then I downloaded the full installation (offline version), reinstalled it and the problem was solved.
2020-11-06 2:17 PM
I have the same problem wih CubeMX 6.0, Could you please explain me more how did you resolve the prolem?
2020-12-30 10:18 PM
I was facing the same issue for many days & I also tried to switch from versions of STMCubeMx & diferent IDEs.
But it is very silly issue & solution to it also very easy.
You just have to install the Java Run Time Environment (JRE) 8 or below JRE 10 & boom!!! it will work properly with any IDE.
Uninstall the JRE latest versions if you have any(e.g. JRE 14 or JRE 15) & keep only one JRE10 or below v10.
I'm using JRE8. STMCubeMx doesn't support JRE above 10.
You don't have to change anything else. (Project directory, names etc)
2021-01-27 1:08 AM
Thanks a lot . For absolute newbies like me this advice was truly helpful.
2021-12-30 3:06 AM
this solution works for me, thank you
Keil v5.36 , cube v6.12
i had first JRE 13
2022-02-04 2:12 PM
Hello, I'm having the same problem described above. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling Java multiple times and I'm not having any luck. I'm running Cube v6.4 and Keil v5.36. Currently I have the JRE 8 installed on my computer downloaded from Oracle. I chose the Windows x86 installation. I'm trying to generate code for an STM32L053C8T Any help would be much appreciated!
2022-02-04 3:50 PM
@NKrau.1i have download all the necessary file for your MCU, and generated a code with stmcube 6.4v i build the project and it had no errors, i dont own an stm32l0 devices, maybe there is something else not good configured