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STM32H750XBH6 Data Flash Memory for Application Data.
Associate III

Does the STM32H750XBH6 have data flash memory that I can use to store 200 bytes of application data? For example to store the IP address etc.. 

The datasheet says something about "2 Kbytes (64 flash words) of user option bytes for user configuration". Is there a driver from ST for this memory? How do I activate this driver in MXCube?

Best regards Roger


There should be FLASH (OTP, Option Byte) examples in the CubeH7 board example forks.

Check also API descriptions/syntax in HAL stm32h7xx_flash.c and flash_ex.c type files

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Pavel A.
Evangelist III

STM32H7 does not have OTP.

AFAIK there is no public reliable way to use the "option bytes" space.

It is possible to write these 200 bytes into free space after the end of the firmware (as usual - aligned on 32 bytes..)