2020-02-09 3:45 PM
I want to enable thread safe APIs in a CubeMX configuration.
When working with STM32F7, after RTOS enabling, the <NO_SYS (OS Awarness)> option has been automatically enabled so I could enable <LWIP_SOCKET (socket API)> option as well.
Now I want to try it on STM32H7 but after RTOS enabling the option <NO_SYS (OS Awarness)> stays disabled.
Is there something I am missing?
Thank you in advance!
2020-02-09 3:58 PM
Enabling "NO_SYS" means disabling RTOS!
With HAL/CubeMX networking on H7 is almost non-working:
2020-02-10 3:21 AM
Thank you Piranha for your response!
I am sorry, by enabling I meant change the state from "OS not used" to "OS used".
2020-08-05 10:12 AM
Hi Kajoje,
Have you solve the NO_SYS issue please? I am facing exactly the same problem. I am using the same chip stm32h745 with necleo-144 board and stm32cubeIDE with cubeMX embedded. I have selected FreeRTOS for both CM7 and CM4 in the .ioc design. But when selecting lwip, in tab "General Settings -> RTOS dependency", the "WITH_RTOS (Use FREERTOS ** CubeMX specific **)" is greyed out. Also in tab "Key Optioins -> Infrastructure - OS awareness option", the "NO_SYS (OS Awarness)" is enabled but only has "OS not used" option.
I also want to use OS (FreeRTOS). So can somebody shine a light please how to change this or it is a bug in the cubeMX?
Thanks in advance,
2024-05-28 7:39 AM
STM32CubeIDE V6.11.1 still has this issue right now. Even both CM4 and CM7 are configured to use FreeRTOS, LWIP cannot be enabled without selecting both CM4 and CM7, and the WORST, it still be OS Not Used !!!!
2024-05-28 7:42 AM
I am using STM32CubeIDE V6.11.1 with H7 FW V1.11.2 but still get this old issue.