2022-03-25 12:23 AM
Hello community
I am working with the stm32f407 on a Project with Lwip without FreeRtos. The code worked on version 1.7.0. but when i changed to 1.9.0 I got hardfault, I solved the problem by putting the LWIP_RAM_HEAP_POINTER on address 0x2001C000(SRAM2). but I still can't ping the board.
The LWIP_RAM_HEAP_POINTER on 1.7.0 could not be set at all in the MX configuration.
Does anyone have any idea.
many greetings
2022-03-27 3:03 PM
Hello MHama.3,
I have same problem. Did you solve the pinging problem?
2022-03-27 10:57 PM
Hello EErik. 1,
unfortunately not yet.
2022-03-29 12:17 PM
Hello MHama.3,
I solved the pinging problem.
I disabled CHECKSUM_CHECK_ICMP and CHECKSUM_GEN_ICMP in the Cube Mx LWIP configiration checksum tab. Then pinging is ok.
2022-03-30 1:40 AM
Hello @MHama.3 ,
Thank you for your feedback.
Please refer to this thread :
F4 + FreeRTOS + LwIP. Bad default LWIP_RAM_HEAP_POINTER after updating to v1.9.0. (st.com)
If your issue is solved, please close this post by clicking the "Select as Best" button. This will help other members of the community find this response more quickly.
Best regards,
2022-03-30 2:22 AM
Read my last message...https://community.st.com/s/question/0D53W00001ScqS1SAJ/lwip-get-hardfaulthandler-after-update-on-stm32cubeide-v190
But, better do it like said ABRIG.1 (ST Employee)! https://community.st.com/s/question/0D53W00001R3ctJSAR/f4-freertos-lwip-bad-default-lwipramheappointer-after-updating-to-v190?t=1648627833430
2022-03-31 12:55 AM
I have already done the same but still can't pingging