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STM32CubeMX won't finish generating code and is stuck.



I am working with a STM32F030x8 microcontroller.

I am using KEIL uVision5 version 6.2.0 to test some C code on the microcontroller.

From what I understand, I need to generate a startup file in order to build the code properly.

Without it I get: ERROR cannot find argument reset_handler.

In order to generate a startup file for a STM32F030 project I needed to use the program: STM32CubeMX.

Keil uVision5 requires a gpdsc file from STM32CubeMX, so I have selected: "Other Toolchains (gpdsc)" in the project settings under project manager.

However as I click on "generate code", the program won't finish working and is stuck.0693W00000ANVEZQA5.pngI do not know how to fix this.

Can you help me?

ST Employee

Hello PSchj.1,

I wanted to ask you if you have been able to solve your problem. There is new version of the STM32CubeMX 6.2.1. So maybe you can try to update the software first. Is there any reason you are generating unspecified toolchain? Usually you choose MDK-ARM toolchain in case you want to use Keil uvision software. When you choose MDK-ARM toolchain the uvision project is directly created for you and you do not need gpdsc file at all. Let me know if your problems will persists.

ST Employee

Hi @Peter Roll Schjønning​ ,

Can you please share your ioc?
