2020-07-03 1:45 AM
I am a new bee to STM ...tried generating the code to get the UART up for STM32L476 series discovery board...but could not compile the code in ac6 compiler as this gives following error
Error: selected processor does not support `isb 0xF' in Thumb mode
as I found we need to enter -mcpu-cortex-m3 ..but could not do so in ac6..kindly guide me and let me know how I can proceed further also any configuaration missing let me know.
thanks for all your support
Ravi chandran
2020-07-06 7:04 AM
Hi Khouloud,
I installed java 11 and was able to build the project.also I did install 1.8_45 64-bit Jre.Now that I have .elf how can I flash and run the same.I need to send some msg to UART and see the same in my console.How to falsh the same using ac6 build environment
An internal error occurred during: "Launching test_uart Run".
even as C application same error
rror starting process.
Cannot run program "C:\Users\RAVI\Documents\STM\test_uart\Debug\test_uart.elf": Launching failed
Cannot run program "C:\Users\RAVI\Documents\STM\test_uart\Debug\test_uart.elf": Launching failed
Cannot run program "C:\Users\RAVI\Documents\STM\test_uart\Debug\test_uart.elf": Launching failed
Kindly can you let me know what I need to configure.
2020-07-06 7:40 AM
I even tried the same with flash loader..the loader detected the COM15 in this case and when I said next ..I got a msg saying check for bootloader cannot be started and verify the boot mode configuration and flash mode status..what all need to be configured in discovery board ..any pin needs to be shorted using jumper..kindly let us know
Ravi chandran
2020-07-06 1:49 PM
I can kindly let you know that you must RTFM of the MCU and the board.