2020-05-09 02:51 PM
2020-05-09 03:18 PM
I can't enable LWIP_MDNS in MDNL/TFTP and i also can't enable LWIP_IGM in the "General Settings", of the STM32CubeMX V5.61.
why can I enable these features?
I'm trying to configure mDNS protocol for the LwIP.
I set up:
//at the end of the MX_LWIP_Init()
mdns_resp_add_netif(&gnetif, "myhost", 60);
mdns_resp_add_service(&gnetif, "myhost", "_http", DNSSD_PROTO_TCP, 80, 300, http_srv_txt, NULL);
// in fuction: static void low_level_init(struct netif *netif)
netif->flags |= NETIF_FLAG_IGMP;
// In LwIP options
#define LWIP_IGMP 1
//And I include this callback function in lwip.c
static void http_srv_txt(struct mdns_service *service, void *txt_userdata)
mdns_resp_add_service_txtitem(service, "path=/", 6);
//these function is only called once.
What am I missing?
2020-05-09 04:47 PM
The Cube package for H7 has outdated LwIP version 2.03.
The feature you need may be in newer version 2.1x, this can be found in other packages - F7, F4...
-- pa
2020-05-10 02:29 PM
LwIP version 2.03 also have support for mDNS. I tried to implement it using the latest STM32CubeMx for the F7, and it does not enable mDNS also .
I tested it in a MIMXRT1021 board from NXP, and there are an example of http server with mDNS, and it works well. I noticed that it depends on setting the ethernet MAC to multicast address 01 00 5E XX XX XX. I don't know how to do it on the STM32H7.
2020-12-25 07:53 AM
"When MEMP_MEM_MALLOC is disabled, use LWIP_IGMP requires LWIP_MULTICAST_TX_OPTIONS enabled and also MEMP_NUM_IGMP_GROUP>1."
In addition, you need to have the following
You need to add following to the static void low_level_init(struct netif *netif) as well
// Allow multicast packets
ETH->MACPFR |= (1<<4);
2024-03-04 11:18 AM
In case someone else struggles with this, note that LWIP_MULTICAST_TX_OPTIONS is enabled or disabled as an Advanced option within the Key Options tab.
Ergo, one must tap 'Key Options', select 'Show Advanced Parameters', and look for 'LWIP_MULTICAST_TX_OPTIONS' within the 'IPv4 - Multicast Options' tree item to enable or disable this option.
If the option is disabled, you may not be able to enable LWIP_IGMP, and that may prevent you from enabling LWIP_MDNS.