2020-09-05 8:29 PM
I am using DISCO-F469I, and stm32CubeMX, when I finished all setup, and generate code. I found there is no systick handler in stm32f4xx_it.c, then I checked the NVIC configuration in cubemx, the time base (system tick timer) doesn't selected. however this situation doesn't happened on other MCUs, like F767, it will be selected automatically. so is it normal, or it just happen on F469?
thanks in advance.
2020-09-05 8:47 PM
I created a brand new project with that board with default peripherals enabled, set STM32CubeIDE as the target, disabled RTOS, and the interrupt was generated by default.
With RTOS, it says SysTick is handled by the RTOS.
2020-09-05 8:57 PM
thanks for the reply, I tried to start a new project with default peripherals, and system tick timer did generate. but I usually clear the pinouts when I start a new project, in this case, the interrupt won't generated automatically. Right now, I can select the interruption option manually, or I use the timer as timebase source in SYS.