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stm32CubeMX 6.0.0 FreeRTOS Problem

Muhammed Güler
Senior III


I updated to CubeMX 6.0.0 and CMSIS 5.7.0 today.

The code containing FreeRTOS and LwIP, which I previously created with CubeMX 5.6.1, is no longer working.

FreeRTOS gets stuck in vPortValidateInterruptPriority () function in port.c file in about 2 seconds.

I made the priority of my own cuts 5 because it says there is a problem with cuts. but it has not improved.

When I activated FreeRTOS before, interrupt priorities changed automatically. therefore I cannot be sure that all interrupts are at the right priority.


Does anyone have an idea how to fix the problem?


Hi @Dub Bartolec​ ,

luckily I got. That was my desperate plan for today :grinning_face:.

Thanks for your answer.

In the new version, interrupt priorities are not set automatically when freertos is enabled. instead it gives a warning that don't forget to set it. Freertos crashes if there is an interrupt with priority 0 and occurs at startup.

Hi @Muhammed G�ler​ ,

I've noticed that too but was hoping that they'll fix it in a future. I was early adopter of and I discovered this bug within hours of its release.

I did not pay that much attention after they've "fixed" it but I know that someone from ST said that will be the case (warning shown), stating some support for other embedded OS-es as reason. Really, that was the fix ? Warning ? Why did they remove this nice feature in a first place? It is not rocket science to put it back.

One thing is for sure, ST has seriously undermined usability of one of their best software tools.

STM32Cube was great app, it worked great despite to what people were saying and now they introduced this change that pushes it back 10 years into the past. Even then it worked great with FreeRTOS out of the box.

They'll try to sell it to us as progress but clearly it is not. It is like removing touch screen from iPhone and putting back numerical keyboard and trying to convince us that that used to be better way of doing things. It clearly is not.

One of the best parts of STM32Cube and their MCUs was integration with FreeRTOS and they've ruined it now.

I'll not be updating to 6.x.x.x and later until this is taken care.

We have way too many projects from the past (50+ projects) that we'll have to touch up and check-in and perhaps re-tests firmware because of it so definitely no to STM32Cube 6.x.x.x from us.