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STM32CubeMX 5.1.0 SAI configuration issue

With the new 5.1.0 version of CubeMX, the SAI synchronization seems to be broken.

I'm using a STM32F765VGTx controller.

I have attached my SAI configuration as a screenshot. With CubeMX 5.0.1 this was no problem and the correct code was generated. However, after the update, my configuration is broken and I can't select the "Synchronous Slave" configuration.

Am I doing something wrong or is this broken in the new CubeMX version?

I have the same behavior, when I create a completly new project.

Khouloud ZEMMELI
ST Employee

​Hello @d.zipperle.5512730769682947E12​ 

Thank you for the feedback, this reported internally for further check.

Best Regards,


Khouloud ZEMMELI
ST Employee

​Hi @d.zipperle.5512730769682947E12​ 

Issue will be fixed in the next CubeMX release.

Thanks and Best Regards,



0690X0000087x7RQAQ.pngSame Problem here with STM32F469IIT6 and SAI1 configuration issue.

We can't select the configuration showed in the screenshot.

BUT if we swap the mode setting (SAI B Mode Master), then synchronous slave would be selectable.

We looking forward to the next CubeMX relase.

Thanks in advance.


Hello Khouloud ,

When it will happen? What is workaround until then?

This post is from February, and this still tot working as expected.

kind regards

Mikolaj Tutak

​Hi @Nixz​ 

In the next CubeMX release : 5.2.0 version, wich will be available  W17 .

Best Regards,
