2023-03-09 4:35 AM
I want to add a TIM15_TRIG connection (is this the same as TRGO?) to a DMA transfer request.
When trying to do this via STM32CubeIDE "Version: 1.11.2 Build: 14494_20230119_0724 (UTC)" I get the following options:i.e. no option to select TIM15_TRIG, which appears to be shown to be supported in RM0440:
Could this please be added to the interface so I can set it please?
And if it cannot be set in the STM32G431KB MCU, could you please update the documentation to reflect this fact please?
Thank you.
Solved! Go to Solution.
2023-03-09 4:44 AM
2023-03-09 4:44 AM
> (is this the same as TRGO?)
No, it's (roughly) the same as TRGI.
2023-04-05 1:36 AM
Regardless the interface is missing options that the datasheet suggests are possible.