2014-12-08 10:59 AM
I thought it would be instructive to look at the examples using the STM32CubeMX application. The ''Load Project'' dialog only looks for .ico files and I find none in all of the examples. Was this application used for none of the examples or does the executable look for a different file type?
Or am I totally misunderstanding the purpose of STM32CubeMX. I thought it was to provide a starting point for a project. Do most folks just start with an appropriate template and use that instead?thanks,hank #stm32cubemx2014-12-08 11:39 AM
Read the manual
http://www.st.com/web/catalog/tools/FM147/CL1794/SC961/SS1743/PF259242?icmp=stm32cubemx_pron_pr-stm32cubef2_apr2014&sc=stm32cube-pr2 Start STM32CubeMX, configure the pins, the clock, the peripherals and the libraries (FAT32, USB device, etc) you want to use and then click ''Generate code''. Don't forget to choose the toolchain / IDE you prefer.2014-12-11 06:21 AM
Hello Hank,
STM32CubeMX supports starting a new project from an MCU uninitialized pinout or from an ST board default configuration (evalboard, discovery kit, nucleo). Pre-defined examples are not supported. Best regards.2014-12-19 07:36 AM
Thanks, I will look into that. I was not aware of that capability.