2023-02-13 02:10 AM
I'm trying to setup an USART for a very small MCU of the STM32G0 family, the MCU it's theoretically being programmed, but the USART is not responding, I configured the MCU just like I did in other projects (of bigger MCUs), I'm not able to find what I'm doing wrong in this case.
This is what I can see from the USART (theoretically in this image I'm sending "0xFF" all the time, but it does the same whatever I put in the buffer).
Codewise I'm enabling the USART DMA with LL_USART_EnableDMAReq_TX(USART1), then configuring with LL_DMA_ConfigAddresses.
Some checks with LL_DMA_IsEnabledChannel, and finally sending stuff with both LL_DMA_SetDataLength & LL_DMA_EnableChannel once the buffer has something on it.
Also tried to clear TC1 flag & disable channel every communication, checking it with LL_DMA_IsActiveFlag_TC1.
The USART is configured as Half-duplex (as it need to be) & baudrate, word length, etc...are correct:
2023-02-13 02:20 AM
And if you don't use DMA but simply write to TXD?
Is is a pin issue or a DMA prog issue?
2023-02-13 02:36 AM
I've always worked with DMA so I'm not confident in the code I've just wrote, but it seems that the same is happening.
I write this very quickly anyway, so I'll keep investigating in this direction. This is the code I've just written that doesn't use DMA.
void comms_init(void)
// USART clock
// USART baud rate
USART1->BRR = (uint16_t)(SystemCoreClock / 115200);
// USART data (8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit)
// USART peripheral
void USART_SendData(uint8_t data)
// Wait for empty transmit data register
// Write data to the TDR
USART1->TDR = data;
// Wait for the transmission
while (!(USART1->ISR & USART_ISR_TC))
void comms_task(void)
while (1)
2023-02-13 03:19 AM
EDIT: If I remove the watchdog the "spikes" that go to 0 disapear.
2023-02-13 04:07 AM
Your later code works* if you replace the flag with:
*) have added more init code for the pins, namely the auto-generated MX_USART1_UART_Init() for my STM32G031 Disco..Note that USART1_TX pin is same as BOOT0 and SWCLK, which might be confusing...
2023-02-13 04:19 AM
Did you tried just simple GPIO toggling, to see if the issue comes from pin or IP ?
There are several pins in paralel on those small packages, thus in case you have other one configured as output it may not work correctly.
2023-02-14 05:06 AM
Thank you all,
I built the project from scratch and I manage to sent data both with the DMA & HAL, now the problem I'm having is that the data I'm receiving it's not exactly correct, I'm receiving incorrect characters, I'll try to check if with an oscilloscope, but at a simple glance, everything looks good.
Also I would try again with my old code, as @KnarfB confirms that it worked with a very small change.
Edit: Well I just tried with USART_SendData code and I'm still receiving weird stuff.
2023-02-14 05:30 AM
Just as a reference, this is what I've got now, it should be saying "HOLA" using the UART with an DMA, I'm receiving other stuff mostly random symbols, I can't seem to find the relation to it:
2023-02-14 05:38 AM
Now I've tried to write "*\n* just to have some other signal to compare like the one in this link: https://hackaday.com/2016/06/22/what-could-go-wrong-asynchronous-serial-edition/
It seems that in my case the message keeps repeating multiple times. But the bits are correct:
2023-02-14 05:44 AM
Do you have baud rate set correctly?