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Selecting HSE as clock gives error

Associate II


I have a problem trying to create a project in STM32CubeMX with a custom board using STM32L476RGT6 with crystal oscillator of 32MHz. In the interface configuration, when I selected HSE and set the value of 32MHz, it failed to initialize the peripherals because it got caught in a loop error by the clock configuration of the system. I have also verified the crystal signal and it corresponds to the frequency and if i select other options like HSI, everything works fine.

Looking for your advice to solve this problem, 

Best regards, 

Mahmoud Ben Romdhane
ST Employee

Hello @User2501 

First, I want to thank you for posting.

I tried the STM32 project which you described using the STM32CubeMX 6.9.1 version and I had 0 warnings and 0 errors.

I advise you to reproduce your project with the last version and I will be waiting for your feedback.





> it got caught in a loop error by the clock configuration of the system

What does that exactly mean? What loop? What causes it? Single-step through the clock setup routine to find out - Cube is open source so you can do that.

> crystal oscillator of 32MHz

Is it a *crystal* or a *crystal oscillator*? Which model? If the latter, do you set RCC_CR.HSEBYP?



Perhaps there's an issue with your hardware. Perhaps incorrect values on load capacitors. Can you share the schematic?

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