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SDMMC HAL doesnt appear to support 4bit data for micro SDHC?

Associate II

I use CubeMX version 5.0.0 to create the SDMMC HAL for STM32L475VTGx. In CubeMX I chose 'SD 4 bits Wide bus'. The SDMMC parameters are all defaults.

While running the initialization code inside of HAL_SD_ConfigWideBusOperation() it only allows 4bit data for CardType == CARD_SECURED, not CARD_SDHC_SDXC or CARD_SDSC. I have CARD_SDHC_SDXC (a micro SDHC 4GB card).

Also if I search for CARD_SECURED, I can't find where this CardType can be assigned. Could that be due to a bad CubeMX parameter setting?

The micro SDHC card spec shows a 4bit data bus if card is in SD bus mode. It also has a 1bit SPI bus mode.

I'm not sure what bus mode is assumed upon power up. Perhaps I need to start in 1 bit mode (assuming it boots into SPI bus mode?) and then send a command to switch to SD bus mode?

I see that CardType is used frequently in the HAL message protocol, so I want to make sure I have the correct mode to actually use the HAL, if possible.

Any help appreciated.




Pretty sure the HAL, and examples manage this for the most part, CubeMX, who knows..

Normally you initialize the cards in 1-bit 400 KHz mode, and work the frequency and width from there. I don't recall it querying the width options, but rather switching to 4-bit based on the board level wiring.

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Associate II

So the 1 bit 400KHz mode you are suggesting is SD bus mode, I assume?

I will look through the non-cubemx examples to see how they deal with the HAL directly.


If you built the SDIO/SDMMC variant, then yes 1-bit SDIO mode.

Usually after it connects it reads the CSD and determines if it is an SDHC/SDHX and later gets switched to 4-bit mode

Depending on the STM32 and library version, it either passes in the 4-bit mode setting in the call to the library, or switches it after it completes. In the first case it ignores that while initially connecting at 400 KHz 1-bit.

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