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RTC reading wrong value on STM32L4

Associate III

Hi. I am using STM32L412KB for my application and internal RTC for maintaining time. I get epoch time over UART and then I call the following function to set the time.

void set_rtc_time(time_t epoch_time)
    rtc_time = epoch_time;
    struct tm *time_sec = localtime(&epoch_time);
    RTC_TimeTypeDef time;
    time.Hours = (uint8_t)time_sec->tm_hour;
    time.Seconds = (uint8_t)time_sec->tm_sec;
    time.Minutes = (uint8_t)time_sec->tm_min;
    APP_ERROR_CHECK(HAL_RTC_SetTime(&hrtc, &time, RTC_FORMAT_BIN));
    RTC_DateTypeDef date;
    date.Date = (uint8_t)time_sec->tm_mday;
    date.Month = (uint8_t)time_sec->tm_mon + 1;
    date.Year = (uint8_t)time_sec->tm_year - 100;
    //    date.WeekDay = time_sec->tm_wday;
    APP_ERROR_CHECK(HAL_RTC_SetDate(&hrtc, &date, RTC_FORMAT_BIN));

And after setting the time I respond back with the time set over UART. So, while creating the message to be transmitted over UART, I use following function to read the RTC and convert it to epoch time.

time_t get_rtc_epoch_time(void)
    RTC_TimeTypeDef rtc_time;
    RTC_DateTypeDef rtc_date;
    struct tm current_rtc_time;
    APP_ERROR_CHECK(HAL_RTC_GetTime(&hrtc, &rtc_time, RTC_FORMAT_BIN));
    APP_ERROR_CHECK(HAL_RTC_GetDate(&hrtc, &rtc_date, RTC_FORMAT_BIN));
    current_rtc_time.tm_hour = rtc_time.Hours;
    current_rtc_time.tm_min = rtc_time.Minutes;
    current_rtc_time.tm_sec = rtc_time.Seconds;
    current_rtc_time.tm_mday = rtc_date.Date;
    current_rtc_time.tm_mon = rtc_date.Month - 1;
    current_rtc_time.tm_year = rtc_date.Year + 100;
    current_rtc_time.tm_isdst = -1;
    return (uint32_t)mktime(&current_rtc_time);

But sometimes I get wrong time. It should be 0x63xxxxxx in hexadecimal if you convert epoch time but I get 0x78xxxxxx.

This is my RTC init function:

void rtc_init(void)
  hrtc.Instance = RTC;
  hrtc.Init.HourFormat = RTC_HOURFORMAT_24;
  hrtc.Init.AsynchPrediv = 127;
  hrtc.Init.SynchPrediv = 255;
  hrtc.Init.OutPut = RTC_OUTPUT_DISABLE;
  hrtc.Init.OutPutRemap = RTC_OUTPUT_REMAP_NONE;
  hrtc.Init.OutPutPolarity = RTC_OUTPUT_POLARITY_HIGH;
  hrtc.Init.OutPutPullUp = RTC_OUTPUT_PULLUP_NONE;
  APP_ERROR_CHECK (HAL_RTC_Init(&hrtc));

This is my MSP Init function:

void HAL_RTC_MspInit(RTC_HandleTypeDef* hrtc)
  RCC_PeriphCLKInitTypeDef PeriphClkInit = {0};
  /** Initializes the peripherals clock
    PeriphClkInit.PeriphClockSelection = RCC_PERIPHCLK_RTC;
    PeriphClkInit.RTCClockSelection = RCC_RTCCLKSOURCE_LSE;
    APP_ERROR_CHECK (HAL_RCCEx_PeriphCLKConfig(&PeriphClkInit));
    /* Peripheral clock enable */

I am using LSE as the clock source. What could be the issue here?

NOTE: Here is APP_ERROR_CHECK define:

#define APP_ERROR_CHECK(ERR_CODE)                           \
    do                                                      \
    {                                                       \
        const uint32_t LOCAL_ERR_CODE = (ERR_CODE);         \
        if (LOCAL_ERR_CODE != HAL_OK)                  		\
        {                                                   \
        	Error_Handler(LOCAL_ERR_CODE, __FILE__, __LINE__);              \
        }                                                   \
    } while (0)


When setting time/date, make sure all fields of structs used are cleared or explicitly set.