2018-03-29 1:22 PM
I am using the latest TrueStudio with a project for STM32L452 created using the latest STM32CubeMX.
The created project contains both a debug and a release build. When I set the debug as active and look in one of the files that contains conditional compiles based on the compiler (core_cm4.h) I see that the lines for __GNUC__ are not grayed out. So obviously that compiler is defined somewhere.
However when I set the release build as active and look at that same file, all the conditional statements based on compiler are grayed out, and the final 'else' for 'unknown compiler' is the one not grayed out. So clearly __GNUC__ is not being defined anywhere.
Also, when I go to the build settings and select the release build I see a warning at the top that says 'Orphaned configuration. No base extension cfg exists for com.atollic.truestudio.exe.release.1518366166'. I don't get that when I select the debug build.
So, what does that warning actually mean, and why is the compiler not defined in the release build? (and where is it normally defined?)
2018-04-01 1:25 PM
Any idea what that 'Orphaned Configuration' error means???
I tried using a copy of the same project to create an output for System Workbench (SW4STM32), and that one does not have this error in the release configuration, and it does define 'GNUC' in both the debug and release builds. So it's not the project that is at fault. It's something to do with how STM32CubeMX is generating files for TrueStudio.
2018-04-02 7:36 AM
,May be your release Run configuration in TrueStudio is corrupted and not correctly created.
So, please
try to
recreate the new one with properlypath.
Kind Regards,
2018-04-02 1:36 PM
I was able to delete the Release build and create a new one with that name by copying the Debug build, and then setting the Debugging settings in the assembler and compiler to 'None'. I don't know what else is supposed to be different in the Release build.
But that corrupt Release build was created by STM32CubeMX. Not corrupted by me.
To prove that I went to STM32CubeMX and created a new, very simple project. I created a project for the L452 (same chip in my other project) and simply set one pin as a GPIO input and another as a GPIO output. I then saved that project for TrueStudio.
When I open that new project in TrueStudio I get the same corrupt Release build as before. The debug build doesn't show that error mentioned in my first post, but the Release build does.
Taking a closer look at the build settings, I find that the problem may be in the Build Settings > C/C++ General > Preprocessor Include Paths, Macros, etc...
In there, selecting Debug build shows an entry for 'Atollic ARM Tools Language Settings', but that is not in the Release build. When I expand it in the debug build (with the little [+]) I can see all sorts of defines, including the __GNUC__ that is missing from the Release build. When I click the Providers tab and try to add the Atollic ARM Tools Language Settings to the Release build, back in the Entries tab there is no [+] to expand it, so none of those same preprocessor symbols are listed.
So whatever this issue is, STM32CubeMX is the thing creating the bad Release builds for TrueStudio. At least for this specific processor. I didn't try other processors. But I did try the same projects created in CubeMX for SW4STM32 and those created working Release builds.
2018-04-05 10:25 AM
,Thanks for reporting such problem.I tracked this issue internally for check and investigation.
Best Regards,
2018-04-05 5:53 PM
Hello everyone
I am in trouble with the same problem altogether.
I am performing GPIO and UART (RX only DMA) with STM32F030 (NUCLEO - F030R8).I hope this problem will be solved quickly.
Best Regards,
Yukiyo2018-12-13 6:19 AM
Hi all,
after starting the Atollic Truestudio I'm facing exactly the same problem. Unfortunately I had to realize that STM is not really willing to help so I'm not expecting any answer.
Unfortunately I had to realize multiple times that STM is not really willing to help so I'm not expecting any answers.
Kind regards
2018-12-13 6:44 AM
Hello @SZank ,
This issue is confirmed from our side and will be fixed in the next release of STM32CubeMX.
Sorry for the inconvenience it may bring and thank you for your understanding.
Kind Regards,
2018-12-14 1:12 AM
thanks for the reply. Is there a possibility to restore at least the settings somehow? I configured many things like include paths, library paths ...
Kind regards
2018-12-14 5:06 AM
Hi @SZank
It's a good idea from you and I thank you.
Your request has been submitted and it will be corrected in the next release of STM32CubeMX.
Best Regards,