2020-02-29 7:56 AM
I started a new project using STM32CubeMX for a STM32F303VCTx, and used all the default options, and then configured the Timer3 for the all 4 channels as PWM ouptut (as in the snapshot).
I open the project using uvision V5.26 and change the main.c only be adding one line of starting the timer
HAL_TIM_PWM_Start(&htim3, TIM_CHANNEL_1);
I can compile and download it to the board, but I cant see any output on PC6 (Timer 3 / Ch1).
Could please someone tell me what I am still missing here?
2020-03-06 5:55 AM
2020-03-29 1:24 PM
@Imen GH thank you very much for your answer and time.
Actually after long time waiting I gave up waiting for an answer here on this forum, so that right now I see your answer!
BTW, I could meantime get a PWM Signal with my code, the only point was that I should restart the board (RESET Button) in order to have it work!
Could you please be kind and tell me the reason why I must do this?